মঙ্গলবার , মার্চ ১১ ২০২৫

Farewell of BLS Vice president Md. Delawer Hossain Khan promoted to Sales Manager

Exif_JPEG_420Wednesday (27 September) at 6pm in Uttoron seminar room arranged a reception program about Fairwell of BLS Vice president Md. Delower Hossain Khan promoted to Sales Manager of ACI animal health division. Chief guest Professor Dr. M. Khalequzzaman, Department of Zoology, university of Rajshahi.

In the occasion presented as Special guest Dr. S M Kamruzzaman, Chairman in the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Rajshahi; Social worker Bonobondhu Jahadeur Rahman Iqbal and  Deputy Director of the Department of Social welfare, Rajshahi. BLS president Professor Dr.Md. Jalal Uddin Sarder chaired the program. BLS Secretary Dr. Md. Hemayatul Islam Arif, treasurer Md.Enamul Haque, organising secretary Most. Salina Begum, press secretary. Md.Jahid Babu spoke about his social life. Save the nature chairman Md. Mizanur Rahman, Nagorik Bhabna spokeman Md. Habibur Rahman, Desktop it Managing director Rtn Kaza khaled Liger, Rotary club of Rajshahi president Rtn. Abdus Sattar, Youth training coordinator Dr.Abdul Mannan, and Nilsagor Regional Sales Manager Abdul Aziz also spoke about Mr. Hossain life and their activities in Rajshahi region. The chief guest also aurged that Mr. Hossain opened a regional branch of BLS in Khulna his new destination.

  • Press Release

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