শুক্রবার , মার্চ ১৪ ২০২৫

Dr. Eckel’s Technical Team’s visit in Bangladesh

Dr. Eckel is an international supplier of innovative feed additives for modern animal nutrition. Products of Dr. Eckel are available in more than 40 countries. Last 28th of May Dr.Eckel’s technical team:- Dr.Andreas Lewke (CEO,Thailand; Dr. Eckel Animal Nutrition GmbH & Co. KG), Anne Moddel (Technical Sales,Germany; Dr. Eckel Animal Nutrition GmbH & Co. KG)and Dr. Jaydip Sarker(Sales Manager,South Asia; Dr. Eckel Animal Nutrition GmbH & Co. KG) have visited Bangladesh. They along with our Managing Director Dr. Kazi Abu Sayed and Tariqul Islam (business manager, Kazi Agro Limited) visited several well known companies in poultry sectors in our country and meeting them. Those companies are :- ACI Godrej Agrovet Pvt. Limited, Aftab Bahumukhi Farm’s limited, AG Agro Foods Limited, Kazi Farm’s Group, Nourish Poultry & Hatchery Limited, Suguna Foods & Feeds Bd Pvt. Limited and United Feeds Limited. They attended the Ifter party arranged by Kazi Agro Limited and participated a training session with Kazi Agro Limited’s Salas team. They also visited sonargoan, a place of historical importence. They left Bangladesh 3rd of June 2018.

– Press Release

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