মঙ্গলবার , মার্চ ১১ ২০২৫

Two Royal Society’s Fellows Sophien and Nick Visit Bangladesh

Two Fellows of the British Royal Society, Prof. Sophien Kamoun, FRS and Prof. Nicholas J. Talbot, FRS, FRSB are visiting Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Bangladesh from 22-27 February 2019 for wheat blast research. Both of them are world-leading researchers in the field of molecular plant-microbe interactions and the winners of many distinguished awards for their outstanding contributions to biology.

They made the pioneering contributions on the determination of the origin of the first outbreak of wheat blast in Bangladesh led by Prof. Tofazzal Islam of BSMRAU in 2016. Currently, they have been involved in a project funded by the British Biotechnology Council (BBSRC) for mitigation of this fearsome enemy of a major food crop wheat in Bangladesh by using genome editing.

During the stay, these two living legends are also visiting wheat fields in Jessore and Meherpur (23-24 February), deliver training in the workshop on ‘Genome Editing for the Development of Novel Blast Resistant Wheat’ at BSMRAU and discuss strengthening of research collaboration for rapid mitigation of wheat blast. Sixty young biotechnologists from 25 universities research institutes and media including CIMMYT will participate in the training workshop to February 25, 2019.

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