সোমবার , মার্চ ৩ ২০২৫

Report on Stakeholder Workshop on Food Safety and Quality

On 27 February 2019, F2F Food Safety and Quality Program of Land O’Lakes International Development jointly with Bangladesh Agro Processors’ Association (BAPA) organized a stakeholders’ workshop on Food safety and Quality at Daffodil International University, Dhaka.

Professor Dr. Md. Iqbal Rouf Mamun represented as a member of Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA) in the place of Chairman of as chief guest of the workshop. DR. Hiresh Ranjan Bhowmik, Director General, Department of Livestock Services attended the workshop as special guest. Mr. Mitch Nelson, Senior Food Safety Advisor, Economic Growth Office, USAID/Bangladesh delivered speech as guest of honor. Mr. A F M Fakhrul Islam Munshi, President, BAPA presided over the workshop. Along with them a total of 82 invitees from public sectors, Agro processing industry, media, university, youth volunteers and development sector representatives participated in the workshop.

Mr. Maksudur Rahman, Country Director, Land O’Lakes International Development provided brief on project activities and Land O’Lakes International Development. Through the Food Safety and Quality sub-sector analysis, it has been coming out that food safety and quality issues need to be addressed with the major value chains like dairy, cattle, poultry, horticulture and fishery. In his expert opinion, BFSA representative also emphasized street food, fast food as major concern for food safety and quality issue.

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