বুধবার , মার্চ ১২ ২০২৫

VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020

International Desk: Knowledge is at the base of running a successful business. It keeps you ahead of the competition and it is critical to keep gaining knowledge to stay ahead. Meeting the right companies and people during an event is therefore of great importance.

VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2020 is Asia’s total animal feed and health event and will be held at BITEC in Bangkok from March 24 – 26, 2020.

Attend one or more of our conferences to hear the latest insights of excellent speakers to broaden your knowledge. That is knowledge you can use to your advantage!

Monday, March 23, 2020
Aquatic Asia Conference │ Aquafeed Extrusion Conference

Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Aquafeed Horizons │ All About Feed Seminar │ Feed Strategy Seminar │ IFTC Asia │ Insect Protein for animal feed │ Thai Feed Mill Association │ Technical seminars

Wednesday, March 25, 2020
AFOB workshop │Build my feed mill │Future of harmonization │ GMP+ seminar │
Petfood Forum Asia 2020 │WPSA │WAVLD seminar │Technical seminars

Thursday, March 26, 2020
WPSA │Technical seminars

For Registration : https://www.databadge.net/viah2020/reg/?card=20000252

For topics, speakers and more details, please visit www.victam-asia.com

At the exhibition, you will find the latest technology, ingredients and additives to manufacture and process feed for animals, pets and aquatics. Furthermore, you will find the latest in pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical ingredients, genetics and high-tech animal health solutions, making this event the total animal feed and health event organized by Victam and VIV

For more information and registration, please visit www.victam-asia.com or www.vivhealthandnutrition.nl

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