বৃহস্পতিবার , মার্চ ৬ ২০২৫

Pacific Lab Services expands its Test Services

International Desk : Pacific Lab Services, a Chemical Analysis Laboratory in Singapore, opens a new Microbiology Laboratory to provide microbial enumeration and pathogen identification tests to its customers network in Singapore and neighboring countries.

Dr. Ekachai Jenwitheesuk, Business Development Manager, said the new laboratory significantly increases the capacity and the level of services that Pacific Lab Services can provide to its customer in human food & beverage, animal feed, pharmaceutical, and other industries.

“Pacific Lab Services was established in the early 1970’s and have been known to be one of the most sophisticated laboratories in the region. The new laboratory is equipped with state-of-theart equipments and clean rooms, and operated by Ph.D. and M.Sc. microbiologists with many years of professional industry experience,” he said.

The laboratory utilizes both conventional FDA-BAM method and 3M Petrifilm technology to provide all routine microbial tests. These methods have been validated and approved by the AOAC International and other organization, which ensures the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained. The services include enumeration and identification of microbes – Total plate count, Coliform – E.coli count, Lactic acid bacteria count, Yeast and Mold count, Bacillus count, and identification of Listeria, Staphylococcus, Salmonella, etc., with turnaround times as short as 24 hours. The laboratory also extends customized testing services using the test protocols issued by the customers.

“Our mission is to help our customers obtain accurate, fast and reliable analytical data to ensure the quality and safety of their products,” said Dr. Ekachai.

5 Woodlands Terrace, Singapore 738430
Tel : 65 6753 3141 Fax : 65 6759 2066

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